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A NL based Tool for Constraint Modelling...

The NL2OCLviaSBVR  is an Eclipse plug-in. The tool translates the English specification of constraints to the OCL constraints. The OCL constraints are used to annotate the UML models.


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Recent Publications

Following are the recent publications related to NL2OCL project:


Transformation Rules for Translating Business Rules to OCL Constraints

Imran Sarwar Bajwa and Mark G. Lee

In this paper, we present a novel approach of translating natural languages specification to SBVR business rules. The business rules constraint business structure or control behaviour of a business process. In modern business modelling, one of the important phases is writing business rules. Typically, a business rule analyst has to manually write hundreds of business rules in a natural language NL and then manually translate NL specification of all the rules in a particular rule language such as SBVR, or OCL, as required. However, the manual translation .... [more]

in Proceedings of 7th European Conference on Modeling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2011) LNCS 6698 pp.132-143, Birmingham, UK, Jun 2011 [Springer] [PDF]

SBVR Business Rules Generation from Natural Language Specification

Imran Sarwar Bajwa, Mark G. Lee and Behzad Bordbar

In this paper, we present a novel approach of translating natural languages specification to SBVR business rules. The business rules constraint business structure or control behaviour of a business process. In modern business modelling, one of the important phases is writing business rules. Typically, a business rule analyst has to manually write hundreds of business rules in a natural language (NL) and then manually translate NL specification of all the rules in a particular rule language .... [more]

in Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium 2011 - Artificial Intelligence for Business Agility (AI4BA), San Francisco, USA, Mar 2011, pp.2-8 [AAAI] [PDF]


OCL Constraints Generation from Natural Language Specification

Imran Sarwar Bajwa, Behzad Bordbar and Mark G. Lee

Object Constraint Language (OCL) plays a key role in Unified Modelling Language (UML). In the UML standards, OCL is used for expressing constraints such as well-definedness criteria. In addition OCL can be used for specifying constraints on the models and pre/post conditions on operations, improving the precision of the specification. As a result, the .... [more]

in proceedings of IEEE 14th International EDOC Conference 2010, Vitoria, Brazil, Oct 2010, pp.204-213 [IEEE] [ACM] [PDF]

Find more publications .... [Here]

Project News

09 Jun, 2011
NL2OCLviaSBVR was presented in Tools and Consultancy session of ECMFA 2011, Birmingham, UK [more].

08 Jun, 2011
Paper appeared in 7th ECMFA 2011Birminhgam, UK  [more].

21 Mar, 2011
Paper appeared in AAAI Spring Symposium 2011 - AI4BA, San Francisco, USA  [more].

12 Jan, 2011
NL2OCLviaSBVR v 0.2 integrated with Alloy.

16 Nov, 2010
The NL2Alloy is available now. Translate NL to Alloy via UML/OCL. [more]

28 Oct, 2010
Presented paper in IEEE/ACM 14th International EDOC conference held in vitoria, Brazil [more].

02 Oct, 2010
The SBVR2OCL is available now. Translate SBVR business rules to OCL. [more]

11 Sep, 2010
The NL2SBVR is available now. Translate NL text to SBVR business rules. [more]

10 Aug, 2010
NL2OCLviaSBVR v 0.2 (Java implementation) released as an Eclipse Plugin.

30 June, 2010
OCL Builder v 0.1 (VB.Net implementation) released.