QVT2SiTra: a model transformation solution to implementing Relational QVT

Supporting the developers in designing, maintaining and implementing Transformation rules is a key challenge of Model Driven Architecture. Relational QVT (Query/View/Transformation) is a declarative model transformation language supported by OMG, which allows the designer of Transformation rules to focus on better design of the transformation rules at a higher-level of abstraction and hence reduces the complexity of the design. However, modern developers demand wider support such as debugging, profiling, testing support, powerful IDEs which are not currently y available in existing implementations of the Relational QVT. As a result, there is gap between the support provided at the declarative level and the expected tool chain which are deemed essential by the developers. QVT2SiTra bridges this gap by presenting a Model Driven approach for implementing Relational QVT in Java. The suggested method results in automated creation of transformation rules in Java from the corresponding Relational QVT specifications. Having the transformation in two forms QVT and Java allows the users to benefit from both declarative natures of QVT and the tool support provided in Java.